
Mothers Who Were and Wish to Be

Mothers Who Were and Wish to Be

Head in the Clouds by Paislee Press and Valorie Wibbens

Day 4 of 30 Days of Creative Prayer at my blog

Lord, I thank you that you made children to be a wonderful blessing to your people. I thank you for the common joy we all get from being around them. I thank you for the unique way they reflect who you are and who you ask us to be. I believe they have a unique place in your heart as well as ours. And I thank you that you have blessed Barry and I with Isaac, and I pray that we will always remember, even in the difficult times, that he is an enormous blessing that we did nothing to deserve.

And Lord, I pray for my friend and for all the mothers who have lost children, whatever the age. I pray that you would be a comfort to them. I pray that they would run to you, and find refuge in you and your word. I pray you would give them strength and faith. I pray you would surround them with love and support and the courage, the remarkable courage it must require to go on.

And I pray for my friends and all the women who are longing for children who do not come. I pray that you would comfort them as well. I pray that you would give them peace. I pray that you would give me and other women who have been undeservedly blessed with children, wisdom in how to best love them. And above all, I pray that you would make them spiritual mothers to many children, even if it is in your will not to make them earthly ones. For those whose time for children has not yet come, I pray you will give them patience. And for those whom it will never come, I pray that you will give them that peace that passes understanding and that through that peace, they will give you much glory.

Lord, heal their hurts. Help them and us as friends to understand your ways and to know that they are good. Help us all to run to the cross of your son and to rejoice in what you have done there for us all.

In Jesus name,
What a great and touching journaling/prayer! I had to wait nine years before I got my twins, so I know the pain of not having children nd the joy of being blessed with children...
I only can say Amen! to this prayer.
such a beautiful piece of prayer. i think we all can relate to this. lovely page.
Such a lovely prayer and wonderful idea to create 30 days of prayer. So beautiful and thanks for sharing.

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