Dumpty Apr 5, 2012 wow super! j'adore les wordarts "empils" sur la page de gauche et le portrait de la page de droite est tomber !
wow super! j'adore les wordarts "empils" sur la page de gauche et le portrait de la page de droite est tomber !
faerywings Apr 5, 2012 simply gorgeous- look at the color of his eyes! Matches the paper perfectly! excellent work here!
Petra from NL Apr 6, 2012 Great wordart, like the subtle line on the full page shot. Also like that the B&W photo is slightly titled and the text follows that line.
Great wordart, like the subtle line on the full page shot. Also like that the B&W photo is slightly titled and the text follows that line.
valiloun Aug 31, 2012 J'adore, a faisait longtemps que je n'tais pas venue voir ta merveilleuse galerie