
Mystery scrap - At school

Mystery scrap - At school

Mystery blind lift from I don't know whom of I don't know which page LOL
Montage kit by Paislee Press and Feifei's Stuff
Oh my gosh! You are speedy! I love what you have done. What kit did you use? I love how the bow looks like it is in her hair!!
Great page, we both made similar pages, fun to see that. If we are not close at least we will not be alone in that case :D
Love the stickerframe hanging on her shoulder!
I Adore how you put the bow so it looks like it is part of her pony tail!!
PS: Now I have to fix my credits- I left out Paislee Press!
Love love love the striped background paper!!! (teeheee!!) You are amazing, my darling!
So wonderful how you made the bow part of her ponytail!! Love this, I still have to try this challenge, thanks for the inspiration!!

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