
Project 365+1 - Week 5

Project 365+1 - Week 5

Our ordinary life... DH helped move his 103 yr. old aunt into assisted living after living by herself for 83 years... brought home MOUNTAINS of "stuff" to sort...
Product used...
Anna's ArtPlay Palette Floralis
Anna's Project 366 Wordart
Anna's Days2Months
ArtWarehouse Vibe Alpha
font: Your Eyes
What a good guy to help move his aunt and how amazing that she lived on her own until 103! Love the contrasting dog shots--play/rest! Great bg choice too!
Wonderful photos - imagine being 103 (I can't even imagine how much stuff you have to sort!!)
I love ordinary life photographs, they are great!! I bet there a few gems to scan in amongst the 'stuff' - I'm always scooping up mouldy old knitting patterns and magazines from the oldies in our family!
love "wanna play?"
look at you! doing a splendid job of keeping up with this project :)

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Anna Aspnes
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