

Why Not?

  • Media owner whatnext
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ok. after 35 years of marriage, romantic stuff is not necessarily what i think of when i'm making a page using Anna's new Artplay Palette Why Not. i immediately glommed onto two of the elements, one that said "smile a little." that got me thinking of my sometimes poker-faced hubby. the other element that caught my eye was the one that said "quick the dame will fly." so. i made it relate to my attitude when hubby is cranky:

"smile a little, or quick the dame will fly...into a different room" to get away from his crabby self!


ArtPlay Palette Why Not http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=29380
Torn N Tattered Foto Frames No.1 Torn N Tattered FotoFrames No. 1
Alpha and NumberSet No.2Alpha and NumberSet No. 2

Lily Designs Overlay
Funny! I totally thought of you when I popped *the Dame* wordstrip in there and knew you'd create something fabulous with it :D
I'm sayin' no nothin' except: I'll get the kit, lift it (somehow), print it, frame it and then .........Greatest page you ever made!

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Anna Aspnes
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