
December Memory 7

December Memory 7

KPertiet_CrystalizedEdgers -edited
KPertiet_ColorChallenge110109 - edited

1952 - Christmas in our apartment on 54th Avenue. At age eight, I still had my doll Rosebud who I see has a skating outfit, knit? or crocheted? Knit would have been my mothers work, crocheted would have been my Nanas work. I also see a teddybear which I can almost bet came from my father. He rarely got me age appropriate gifts. But the center of the shot is a parakeet. Mr. Pembroke. Was he a Christmas present or was he just put there to show the whole family in this photograph? My dress wasnt that comfortable because the belt kept riding up over the waistline. My mother made it of two patterns of taffeta and I really did love that swishy swishy sound as I walked. But how I longed for store bought clothes. Now I realize how she struggled, making these clothes after she worked a full day in DC. Belated Thank You Mommy!

Thanks for looking!
how wonderful, Maureen. i love your reminiscences, that gorgeous photo,(wow, were you beautiful!) and this lovely page.
Maureen, this is a wonderful page. I can even see the shiny fabric of your dress and the elements are perfect. I was reminded of a page I did years ago of a photo of me at eight under the tree in 1952. Hope you'll enjoy seeing it: https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=248319&title=favorite-toy&cat=500
Maureen what wonderful reminiscences, I am around that era as well and I can remember my mother making me dresses as well!! I also had doll which I was given when I was 8 and I still have it to this day!! I think I will need to do an LO with it!!!

Fabulous page Maureen, love the vintage colours you have chosen to highlight this wonderful photo!
Great page. Love your journaling and love your mum for what she did!!
What a cool page and what wonderful memories! I love the glitter snowflakes you tucked under the photo.

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