I found this LO half finished tonight, having dashed it off the very night my daughter & I had this conversation when I was feeling emotionally charged. A month later, with a little perspective and a different plan for the birthday, I don't feel the emotion nearly so strongly, but as the LO was almost finished I thought I might as well post it.
A cold dose of real life - that we've been saved from for another year, thanks to the panto opening on the night of the party. Give me "He's behind you!" any day over 3 hr queues to get on the rides or buy candyfloss.
Stitches: Anna Aspnes, oscraps.com, Stitched by Anna No 1 White
Paint Splat: Sue Cummings, oscraps.com, From my Notebook Beach
Staple: Val C. Designs, zigzagscrap.com, Kids Go Out
Alpha: Jacque Larsen, the-lilypad.com, Noteworthy Alpha
Font: Century Gothic