


My journaling reads:
Status Update:
This girl does NOT do Facebook. I had such high hopes when I created my account and I did manage to find some old school friends, but then I got bombarded with game requests, friend requests, hug requests, gem requests and all sorts of other crap, so much so, that I ended up deactivating my account. I just didnt get it! Now Twitter on the other hand ... well, thats a different matter and a whole other layout too! ;-)

Thanks for looking!

Everything used - Oscraps Designers collab kit, Facebook [we LIKE you too]
available FREE during {i}DSD weekend celebrations from our facebook page (facebook.com/oscraps)
Love your layout Sue.
To bad you don't like FB. I just block all the requests that I don't want to get LOL
Thank you Sue for this heartfelt journaling: now I know that i'm not the only fool over here ............
Several days a week I see beautiful freebies linked to FB.
Every-time I'm in doubt again, but i will NOT make an account. I'm STRONG!!! Haha!

BUT (question of conscience)
how did you get access to that O-kit while you have NO face-book account?!
I love you..!!!! I am not alone having no account on facebook! ;-) and twitter neither;-) cost to much time...
gorgeous page Sue..!
Oh, I hear ya, sister!! I can't be doing with FB either. Whenever someone sends me a message I resolutely answer by email - PIRVATE - how I like it.

Rockin' LO!
Bwaaaahhhh! Sue, your journaling is great. I don't mind FB all that much- as my LO says, it is sometimes my only way to keep in touch with my kids- but I know what you mean about the requests! Really fun page!
This so fabulous...I am the complete opposite!! I Love my Facebook but just can't get into the Twitter!! BUT....one reason I love FB is I can share all of my photos with my family so easily at one time there....and they can share with their friends immediately if they want too with one click!!
Oh...and I have blocked every game, every huggie, kissie apps that come along..so I don't get any of that stuff and I never turn my chat on....so no one knows when I am on there either. :)
hahahahhahaha your journaling rocks!!! lol.. I am not a totally FB fan, too.. I de-actived my account once.. but then after all my families there, I bring it back! awesome page, gorgeous in every ways!

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