
October CopyCat  - Scotch Eggs

October CopyCat - Scotch Eggs


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How many times we have made these eggs I dont know but each time we seem to question the method again and again. It is so much easier than the first times when we were just trying to follow Martha Stewarts recipe. I was NO good at the three stage crumb and egg wash.

Now we know that Dick is good at covering the eggs with the raw sausage. Im ok with the breading and can mostly manage to keep my hands from getting overly coated with the flour, egg, and crumbs. We can now manage this in one night, not two!

What we still discuss each time we make the Scotch Eggs is how long to cook them. I think this is mostly because by the time they are ready to go into the oven, I know I am tired and ready to say adios to them! But I must say they are still a hit for any brunch we have!
Maureen! YUM! i actually might be able to eat these! this is a beautiful sausage-brown and egg-golden page. thank you so much for this gorgeous lift.
That looks soooooo yummy!! I adore your kitchen and want it for myself. :) Great take on the challenge. Thanks for playing.
I know you now for, let's say, 5 weeks? And i totally understand now why you named yourself 'cooking my life' :)
Love those pictures. Love your description.
Maureen, I love the perspective on the photos! You're so lucky that your husband shares your passion for cooking. Great looking kitchen!
Wonderful lift Maureen. They look yummy.Love the photos and your Kitchen is super.
I've never tried making my own Scotch Eggs, but I just KNOW I'll think of you and this LO when I do eventually try. Brilliant set of photos and story, Maureen.

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