i've been sitting on this picture for over a month now. alyssa sees gage in this helmet so very often between his bike and his skateboard. so when he comes in and chuncks it in the living room floor, she makes a b-line straight to it. it takes her many, many tries and about 10 minutes, but she ususally manages to get it on all by herself... buckled and everything. once she gets it on, she's so top heavy, she can only keep it on long enough to look around for an audience and flash a smile. then it usually slips over her face or off of the back of her head. hehehe. it is soooo sweet... she does anything to be like him. anyway... so glad to finally have it on record.
JOURNALING: reverence: v. a gesture indicitive of deep respect tinged with awe.
DATE STAMP READS: alyssa wearing gage's helmet january 2008 (yeah... nothing clever there. lol)
VICKI STEGALL: Rock On papers (red blended as "screen" over a neutral of the same texture) (coming soon to oscraps!!!!)
PAINT THE MOON: Dreamy Photoshop Action (also available at oscraps)
Photoshop CS3
Fonts: Adler; Century Gothic