


  • NewAdmin
ok... are y'all just over me with my blending modes and my hearts? lol!! well, for those of you who know me, this should be no surprise. i find something i like and i absolutely exhaust it... it's like i can't stop until i've taken it in every single direction possible. anyway... moving on to describing the rest of the family for 2008. the layout i did for 2007 was much more condensed and more "as a family" based. but as each of us get older, it seems we get a bit more intricate and need more space. ha. that's a good thing though, right? anyway... so again... just as the last one, the journaling is a book... feel free to read on or promptly move to the comment secion... i won't be offended if you don't read my novel. lol. (oh... and p.s. - is it me or does she look like she's like 8 in this picture???? jeeesshh!! she's wearing my lip gloss here... maybe that's it.)

JOURNALING: Alyssa, this is you. You are 2. You love your BamBam (your blanket). You have an obsession with balls, some as small as a golf ball, some literally come to your waist. You hate meat of any kind. You like to have things in order and you are happy to clean up and put things into their proper container. You hate your car seat. You are still not really talking. You dont like going to bed. You cry when we lay you down every single night of your life, but usually for only a few minutes. You are trying to eliminate daily naps. You sleep a full 12 hours just about every night. You love any kind of Elmo doll (you own 9 of them... yes 9... and you give each of them equal attention.) You love Layla and like to play with her way more than she likes playing with you. You get confused when dad yells at Layla and think hes yelling at you. You cry and run to me in fear. You love to imitate Gage. You live to go outside and you usually throw a full-blown tantrum when its time to come inside. You laugh hysterically when someone sneaks up on you. You love your Mothers Day Out teachers. You do not enjoy large crowds. It takes you a while to warm up to just about anyone. You freak out if you see even the smallest little speck in your bath water. You wake up and cry or whine at least 2 times a night, sometimes as many as 5 times. You dont need anything, just cry. You love to dance, especially if someone dances with you. You really like loud music and rolled-down windows in the car, something Im certain you got from me. You throw temper tantrums. You laugh hysterically. You have discovered chocolate milk (thanks to dad) and have developed the same addic tion we all posses. (I limit you to 2 cups a day.) You call it cha-cha. You love goldfish. You rarely slow down... its like you *have* to run instead of walk. You live for time with daddy. You love to imitate me. You can throw a ball surprisingly far. You love Khari from next door because she plays with you, and you shamelessly flirt with her dad, Mr. Rodney. Then of course theres little Rodney who can make you smile in a split second. You love wind. You hate sun in your eyes. You love playing in water. You love to sit with me and watch the slide show of my scrapbook pages and name everyone you see. Your favorite room in the house to play in is Gages room... he even lets you sometimes. You are such a great mommy to your baby dolls... you even share your cha-cha with them. You love my chap stick and swipe it from my purse a little more often than Id like. You love bubble baths and will stay in there for a solid hour if I let you. You are the only morning person in the house, but were working on that. You love walks around the block. Your teachers at Mothers Day Out say you play good with the other kids, but when I see you around other kids, you seem to be very stand-offish. You yell nooooooooo at Layla when shes trying to play tug of war with your blanket or if she gets a hold of something youre playing with. You love your dress-up jewelry and usually sort of stick your nose in the air as you walk slowly around the living room wearing it. The only show in the world that you will sit and watch from beginning to end is Blues Clues. You love your books. You love to write on things.... anything. You love Gage, you love me and daddy, you love Layla, you love... you.

(ask me if i care if there are typos???) (just kidding... if you see any, shoot me a PM, k?)

DATED: 02.06.08

SHARON BOBIS: Love is All Around paper in Kiwi (available at 3Scrapateers.com)
QUEEN OF QUIRK: O Valentine Collab kit heart (available at oscraps.com)
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Why have I not scraplifted this yet? I love it. Beautiful journaling. Gotta do it!!!
AMAZING!!! What a wonderful way to capture this time that goes by so crazy fast! You rock girl! I believe I'll be lifting this as well! lol

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