
TMD Spotlight 2010:  Seasons of Life

TMD Spotlight 2010: Seasons of Life

Layout done for the TaylorMade Spotlight 2010 : found https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18127

What does it mean? The term seasons of life?
When you really think about this phrase, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
The first thing that comes to my mind is that with every season we see change.
Some changes are good, some are not so good, and come are just different.
Good changes are some of the simple things, you know like the girls packing their own
lunches, making their beds, peeing on the potty, you know th little things that let you
know that life is carrying on, that you are doing your job in the universe the children are
growing and developing.The little things. Then there are the changes that are different
a new job, a new house, new foods, new seasons of weather, new sports, the changes
that add to your life in one way or another. Some of the different changes that
are my favorite are the changes in the weather, I love living in a country that
has four distinctive seasons. Each season brings about new activities, new
adventures. Spring and fall are likely my two favorite seasons, spring
signifies new life, bright colors, and then the fall is my next one, I love
the events that come with fall. The fall fair, carmel corn, candy apples,
pumpkin pie, turkey dinners, fall colors, falling leaves.
And then there are the changes that aren't so good. You know those changes that make your
heart ache, your tummy knot, cause panic, sadness, anger, madness, or rage. These changes
can be a child leaving home, a mental illness, someone continually lying to you, you know
those changes that you really can't control. The changes that you are forced to accept because
they are beyond your control. These are the things that I have the hardest time with.
Watching people you love make desicions that suck. Decisions that will alter the
rest of their lives. You know decisions like skipping school, smoking dope, self destruction
behaviours, you name it happens. These choices will affect the rest of your life.
The tough changes are the ones though that you typcially learn the most from.
These choices will shape you forever but they will also make you the person that you will
become. The hard part for those that love you is watching the journey. Today I am learning
that watching someone else's journey is also a lesson for me. For me it's about learning
to let go. To allow the mistakes to happen, to just pray that all will work out.
This is likely the toughest thing for me, or any mom to do, to sit back
and watch her child slowly destroy her life.
But because of my own Seasons of Life
I am honestly able to watch, know, and trust that eventually,
her seasons will change and it will come around.

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Wow!! This is powerful. I know I put my mom through it when I was a teenager and I hope and pray that my kids don't put me through too bad as they get older but I know that they will just by watching them now. I just have to hope and pray I give them a strong enough base that when they screw up they are able to pick them selves up and brush themselves off and know where they can go to ask for help when they are truly in a place to be able to receive it. Then I need to pray they never really need that help. Now I am going to go kiss them while they are sleeping and still as innocent as they can be. Thank you for sharing your heart. This is why I adore you.

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