


Just a page about my boy and his fascination with all things army! It's a boy thing ... right?

kit - NEW - to be a boy collab kit by Matrioshki Scrap Designs
template - FREE - with the September Matrioshki template challenge (come and play!)
word art - sentiments by Suddenly Artistic Designs (suddenlyartistic.blogspot.com)
Oh YES! I feel your pain on the gun culture thing. Ginny NEVER picked up a stick as a weapon until Paddy came along and showed her how. And the boys make guns out of sandwiches, for goodness sake!

Love all the elements in b&w together with the photos - really striking.
It's generally a boy thing sure ... BUT ... I was a bit of a tom-boy when I was younger and wouldn't think twice about playing "soldier" with my brother's Action Man "doll"!!! The photos of Hugh all camouflaged up are just perfect for LO's with this kit Helen!!!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome! *sigh* your talent amazes me! Yes it's a boy thing - Nick agrees 100% with Hugh.
ITA with Kat- you are so incredibly creative Helen! What a cool kit too!
(yes, its a boy thing.... grrr...LOL )
OH YEAH!!! IT"S A BOY THING!!! My little Cameran is definately all about ARMY!! I am only the grandmother and my house is loaded up with tanks, missles, little men...well you know!!! AWESOME page!!

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