
In Some Shape, Form, or Fashion

In Some Shape, Form, or Fashion

  • NewAdmin
we had our annual pumpkin carving get-together at will's mom's house tonight. so much fun. the boys are too young to *really* help yet (ages 5, 6 & 7), but they do pick out their pumpkin, choose the design they like, help clean out the pumpkin, and then give it an honest effot to 'poke' in the stencil and even cut for a few seconds before the moms get all nervous and take the knives away and finish up the carving part. hehehe. but it's always fun to tell them their pumpkin is finised and watch them run in to see it with excitement. gage said to me tonight... "wow, mom... you did a *great* job on that!!" hehe... all of a sudden, the fact that he picked one of the most intracit designs possible and i had to sit there and do all the work just didn't seem like a big deal... i felt like i made him proud. ;) doesn't get much better than that. ;) our's was the monster.

JOURNALING: Dad | Mom | Gage | Alyssa | Uncle Josh | Amy | Russ | Aunt Candice | Seth - Third Annual Pumpkin Carving | Nana and RockyPaw's House | 10.28.07

Photoshop CS2
TaylorMade Designs Solid & Understated - Seasoned paper (oscraps)
that's my little freehand arrow
Fonts: Perpetua; Avant Garde; Impact

(**Typo in the word "Pumpkin" fixed. i always accidentally type a "g" in the word "pumpkin... i guess cuz it ends with "in" and i feel like there should always be a "g" there to make it "ing"... urrr... drives me crazy. LOL)
I've just been looking at your gallery and it is so full of wonderful layouts, so inspiring! You took such a great photo for this one! The carvings are so clear and that monster one does look very detailed! You are very talented!

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