
Dear Santa : Thanks YOU

Dear Santa : Thanks YOU

  • val
I am SO not confortable with a journaling LO.
but well here it is

My dear old Santa,
I think this is the first letter EVER you got from me.
Ok, I know I always loved your gift (well almost) and I should have at leaste say THANKS YOU .
I thought, that no matter what I could say, since you knew what my wishes were...
you knew I was thankful. for them.
This is what happen with everyone...
You could be saying SO many importants things...
which you never do, because he/she knows it

except that it happen sometimes that you get too old,
to say Thanks you santa ... and In life, you can realize
too late, that you should have said thanks , I love you.
So now I am too old to write you letter
of wishes, but I am not too old to say
Thanks Santa for all what I got so far.


Christmas 2oo9 Sue cummings Daily download
52 Inpsiration 2008 Week 37 By Sue cummings
oh this is just sooo true Val! what a wonderfully creative person you are!! this is gorgeous as you are!! :)
Tu as raison je suis bien franaise!!!
Concernant les macarons, non, ce n'est pas moi qui les ai fait, j'ai juste mis la recette parce que c'tait le sujet d'un challenge. Les macarons viennent de Carref*ur...parce que l bas, ils les font certainement mieux que moi!!!
J'ai vu de trs belles pages dans ta galerie!
A bientot

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Sue Cummings
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