
Interview with my best friend

Interview with my best friend

Who is the last person to make you laugh?
you, today. Your laugh is contagious

What is your favorite time of day?
Evening, because I miss my boys all day

Tell me something that really annoys you...
Being ignored! come on people listen to me...I am cool

What are 3 of your best traits?
dedication, seeing the best in people, and my sense of humor

What is your biggest accomplishment?
My Muff! I love being a Mom

Name 3 things your good at...
Writing, giving advice, and butter cupping...lol

What are 5 things you love about your interviewer?
Smile, dedication, enthusiasm, fearless and innocence

What inspires you to do good?
God and my son

what do you think of all these questions?
Pretty enlightening

What do you like least about yourself?
My critical nature and laziness are probably a tie

Was yesterday better than today?
Ehh...one step closer to 30 and yet I appreciate everyday

What is your biggest pet peeve?
People eating with there mouth open

If you could do anything right now, what would you do?
Eat a tub of cookie doe ice cream

Name one thing you would change about you if you could.
I would like to have my innocence back

My dream is...
To write a book that touches peoples heart! It doesn't have to be a best seller, just a good story...single tear
Gorgeous page. I love the framing of the photo...which is gorgeous. I love the stamped look of the journaling.

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