Credits: Bella Noel Alpha Numbers, 52 Inspirations 2008, Weeks 23, 35. 17 and 41 all by Vicki Stegall
Metal trim on frame from Dusty by Merkeley Designs
Font: Freehand591BT
journaling: This is a photo taken of me and my sister in 1947. I was 7 and she was 5 1/2. We were standing in front of a wheat field on the farm where we grew up. There aren't many pictures taken in those years, but this is close enough to tell my story. It all started about the time I was Dana's age, early in 1946. I wanted to learn how to read. I wanted to go to school so bad. Mom taught us things at home, but I knew that school would be so much better and so much fun. I asked Mom many times that spring, "When can I go to school?" I always got the same answer, "When you are six!"
On the sunny May morning of my 6th Birthday, I woke up very early, full of excitement and anticipation. It had rained the night before, so Mom and Dad had decided to sleep late. I went into the kitchen, made myself a sandwich for lunch, carefully wrapping it in wax paper and put in into a small paper sack. I went into the bedroom and told Mom that I was going to school. She mumbled, "okay" and went back to sleep. I was ecstatic for the two miles that I walked that morning, on my way to my first day of school.
I never really ever forgave my father for the spanking I got when he drove up, (until I became a parent myself and understood the fear of a missing child.) After all, I told them where I was going!