
Buy the Book

Buy the Book

Buy the Book (published in the Artisan Notebook July 2009)

TaylorMade Composure Kit
Template: Sketchology: Mojito Monday by Bella Gypsy at Elemental Scraps

Journaling reads:

Of all the books I read last year, this book really spoke to me. Eat Pray Love was about deep soul searching. I could relate to the author, Elizabeth Gilbert because I have done the same type of thing in the past. I have also traveled the world in search of gaining perspective on my life. Eat, Pray Love starts out in the U.S. with Elizabeth Gilbert dealing with the demise of her marriage. She decides to embark on a year long journey around the world to work through her pain and to do some soul searching. She starts out her trip by indulging in the pure decadence of the food and sights of Italy. When her body feels satiated, she moves on to an ashram in India. There she works on healing her soul through hours of deep meditation. In the last third of the year, she winds down her travels by finding love and fulfillment in Bali, Indonesia.
What an amazing page! straight into the Standing O's!! very creative and thanks for the book review, looks like to get!!

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