
Soul Searching
Scottish zoe

Soul Searching

Paper from Nina Scraps
Word art from TaylorMade

I've needed to say this for a while. Thanks for the opportunity

Dear Ex- Husband,
There are lots of things I regret about marrying you. The missed opportunities, the endless put-downs, the number of meals I cooked that were ruined because you were too busy to come in.
I was young and foolish and only saw the apparent generosity without seeing the lack of true feeling. I certainly didnt recognise (or know how to handle# the deep insecurities that I now realise came from an undiagnosed ASD.
I often regret the wasted time, both then and much later when trying to convince you the marriage was over but it wasnt anybodies fault #yours or mine), and the endless law courts you dragged me to.

But I will never regret the 2 most important things you gave me - children.

Thanks for looking
Aww.... love the ending! "Children."
That title is just perfect!
Great Page!
Very heartfelt journaling and I agree, the ending is just perfect. Beautiful page!
Oh, wow, Zoe, the journaling is powerful!! The blended, faded picture works perfectly with the feeling you wanted to convey, beautifully done!!
Thanks for playing!
This is wonderful! Love the journaling and the old picture! It's a perfect mix! Love it!
Oh Zoe...I love this!! Love your journaling!! and LOVE the title!!

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