


  • NewAdmin
was the SNS challenge that finally motivated me to document this. the actual colors of the challenge didn't work, but my GOSH am i glad to finally have this on record!! (well... hubby might not think so. hehe)

JOURNALING: Ok, so I guess I will spill it. Your name was inspired by quite an unexpected source. Your dad cringes when I answer this question honestly, but in his defense, he didnt know until after the fact. Dad and I were sitting at Perkins Restaurant having breakfast. We got out a napkin and a pen and started trying to think of names for you. We both agreed that you were going to be named after your Uncle Josh. But I also had another name in mind one that I had decided on when I was 12 years old. (It was one of those girl? moments where we say things like, When I grow up and get married? or When I grow up and have kids?) Anyway, as Dad and I were talking, I quickly realized that this was my opportunity to carry out that little dream. So I casually pitched the name Gage.? He liked it a lot. We immediately made it final and circled the name Joshua Gage? on the napkin.

It was some time after you were born when Dad overheard me talking on the phone and answering the ever-so-common question of Where did you get the name?? Well,? I said, when I was 12 years old, I went and saw that Stephen King movie Pet Sematary, and I just fell in love with that little boy and his name!? Well, that was all Dad needed to hear. He was appalled. I did, however manage to convince him that your name wasnt inspired by the gross-looking demon-child that came out of the pet sematary? at the end of the movie. The sweet, laughing, little blonde-headed boy who ran carefree through the meadows in the beginning of the movie inspired your name. It was actually kind of funny and he thought so too. Although to this day, when Im answering that question in his presence, he can rarely resist piping in to jokingly say that he had nothing to do with that whole mess he just liked the name.

DATE STAMP: still no regrets aug 2007

TaylorMade Solid & Understated gray paper (oscraps)
Fonts: Downcome; Perpetua; Century Gothic
Oh...I LOVE the story behind Gage's name! That's awesome (not the demon-child part, but the rest of the story is). ;) That font for the title ROCKS too!

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