

Childhood memory

  • Media owner melscrap
  • Date added
Jess and I were driving back from dance. The moon shone large and bright and low in the night sky. Jess looked at me and said "It's exactly like the book you read when I was little!" I wracked my brain for any and all books we read together back then, but none of them fit. Then it hit me... could it be the lullaby I sang to her every night? I started singing and she went "Yes! That's the one!"
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Foxeysquirrel
  3. Maya de Groot
  4. mixed media by Erin >>
  5. Rachel Jefferies
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
None used
Oh my goodness! I am overwhelmed with all these mentions. I hardly ever do artsy LOs cause my logical brain struggles so much with them. And then to have all this love thrown at my attempt is just... :cloud9:
Oh my goodness! I am overwhelmed with all these mentions. I hardly ever do artsy LOs cause my logical brain struggles so much with them. And then to have all this love thrown at my attempt is just... :cloud9:
Which means......... you need to do more!!!! :lol:
Mel! This is such a gorgeous page! I loved reading your journaling about your conversation with Jess and the lullaby you sang to her as a child! Such a beautiful page for such a wonderful memory!
Stunning Mel and congratulations with the featuring .... So, so well deserved! I love the mix of designers ...and there is so much so see on this design ...

Layout information

Challenge 1
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Additional categories
Foxeysquirrel, Oscraps Cheery O's, Art Journal,

Image metadata

File size
156.2 KB
600px x 600px

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