

Grand Teton National Park

  • Media owner isDK
  • Date added
A look back 10 years. We'd never go back. I remember huckleberry ice cream and a long fire drill in the cold dark wee hours. I remember there was never that space where it's just you and the universe. I remember too many people. But I'm glad we got to see these iconic views on a gorgeous morning.
Credits list
Anna Aspnes: Paper(winter)
Joyful Heart Designs: Color Crush 80 metal, 2 papers; Lovely Lace 3-paper
Lori Davison: Out of this World Castaways-frame
Maya deGroot: Borealis-wordart
Natali: Together-papercut (foil frame)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Joyful Heart Designs
  3. Lorie Davison
  4. Maya de Groot
  5. natali design
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
Photos: mine
  • Love
Reactions: joyfulheartdesigns
Very cool design. What a shame that you have such poor memories but your page is lovely!
Very cool design. What a shame that you have such poor memories but your page is lovely!
Thank you. Our US National Parks just have had so many visitors they couldn't keep up. And now with funding cuts, it's even worse. It's a shame, because they're all beautiful. :)

Layout information

Joyful Heart Designs
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Member Galleries, Maya de Groot, Anna Aspnes, Lorie Davison, Natali Design,

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File size
94.2 KB
700px x 442px

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