

But God Chall#1

Done for the Journaling Challenge #1 found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/march-challenge-1-journaling.41698/
She Was Unwilling.....But God…..This is my 5-word autobiography. God changed my will!
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" Ecclesiastes 3:1
I was born in 1955. By the time I was 10 years old, we had moved 10 different times. But that changed in 1966. We were living in Indiana. Dad had applied for and got a job hauling freight with Emery Air Freight out of the Greater Cincinnati Airport, which was located in Northern Kentucky. Dad moved the family to a house in Union, Kentucky in January of 1966.
Dad, mom and I had become Christians a few months before we left Indiana. One of the greatest providences of God was Him moving us to KY and Pastor Robert T. Ginn knocked on our door, welcomed us to the neighborhood and invited us to attend his church, the Big Bone Baptist Church. What a blessing this man and his family was and has been down through the years! We learned about the doctrines of Grace and the sovereignty of God from him. Later on he would resign that church and begin a mission church, Grace Baptist Church, where my family decided to attend. Eventually, my future husband, Tim would surrender to the ministry under Brother Ginn's ministry.
Tim and I became high school sweethearts in the 10th grade. It is sad to say, but I never talked to Tim or asked him if he knew where he would go when he died. I was not growing in my Christian walk. I also knew that our pastor, Bro. Ginn, would not marry us. At some point during Tim's time at U of L, he had asked me what I would think of him transferring to the Louisville Theological Seminary. In my rebellion and Christian immaturity, I told him that I did NOT want to be a preacher's wife! WOW! How bold I was! How stupid I was! I'm sure it made God sad. I'm so thankful He did not give up on me!
Tim didn't mention seminary again. He also did not mention to me that he had asked God to save him one night in 1972 as he walked back home from my house. I know I did not have much influence in his decision as I was living totally for myself, not God.
May 8, 1976…..Tim ended the year at U of L on May 7th and we got married by the justice of the peace the next day in our apartment in Covington, KY that I had moved into in April. Tim had told me before we got married that we would continue going to my church. He kept his word to me and we went to Grace on Sunday and headed out on our honeymoon on Monday. At some point, he made a profession of faith and was baptized and became a member of our church. He became the church treasurer and we taught the kids in SS class. He finished up his Accounting degree at Northern KY University.
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Tim was really growing spiritually. Looking back, I know my comment about not wanting to be a preacher's wife weighed heavily on him, and even though the Lord was dealing with him about surrendering to full time ministry, he never mentioned it to me or discussed it with me. It makes me sad to think about it. It makes me sad that I was not willing to live as a bold Christian. BUT, I'm glad God didn't give up on me or stop dealing with Tim because I was an immature, selfish, uncommitted Christian.
One Sunday morning on the way to church, Tim told me that he felt like the Lord was calling him to preach and that he was going to publicly make it known that day. I was ashamed that I was so backslidden that I didn't even know that God was dealing with him. I turned my face to the window and cried silently and asked God to forgive me. I asked Him to help me be willing to be a pastor's wife. He changed my heart right then and there! I realized that there was nothing else for me to do! Doing anything to hinder Tim's decision was no longer an option! I would follow Tim and support him no matter where the Lord sent us!
That was almost 50 years ago. I never regretted one minute of our time in ministry! I am so glad for God's patience toward me. He changed my perspective! I can't think of any other place I would rather be than serving the Lord in one of His churches! There been challenges, of course! We are human and we serve humanity! But the blessings and rewards far out weigh the challenges!
I was looking forward to growing old with Tim, but once again, the Lord had other plans for my life. He took Tim to heaven in 2017 at the ripe old age of 62. I said I had no desire to marry another…..but God changed my plans on that respect, too. And I am happily married to Mark, a member of the church Tim was pastoring before he passed away. It’s amazing how happy you can be when you decide to let God have control of your life! Thank You, Lord, for being in control of my life and leading me in Your way! AMEN! March 4, 2025
Color Crush 80 (metal mix 1) by Joyful Heart Designs
Color Crush 80 (muses) by Joyful Heart Designs
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  1. Joyful Heart Designs
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Wow Vicky, just wow. I am at a loss for words. I love the journaling and the personal glimpse into your life. What a bold beautiful testimony of what God can do. I love the way your wrote around the face and decorated her with many jewels. You need to make sure this is saved, printed, and framed. A wonderful testimony to how God can change us and how He never gives up on us. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Wow Vicky, just wow. I am at a loss for words. I love the journaling and the personal glimpse into your life. What a bold beautiful testimony of what God can do. I love the way your wrote around the face and decorated her with many jewels. You need to make sure this is saved, printed, and framed. A wonderful testimony to how God can change us and how He never gives up on us. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Yes, it took me a while to get with the program! But I didn't regret it for a minute!

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