

Books 2020

  • Media owner sandra-9663
  • Date added
February 2025 - Challenge #6 - Year Flashback (2020)
Credits list
paper, elements, word art: Great Escape, by Art Addicts
fonts: Agent Orange & Bradley Hand ITC
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Art Addicts
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
no photos
I don't know if you meant the title to be tongue-in-cheek considering that was the only way to go "anywhere" in 2020 but that is how I read it :D
I adore the little ebook mice in the title too!
I don't know if you meant the title to be tongue-in-cheek considering that was the only way to go "anywhere" in 2020 but that is how I read it :D
I adore the little ebook mice in the title too!
LOL .. I wish I could claim brilliance, but I hadn't thought about that!! Good catch!! I was one of the lucky ones, in that I didn't really feel too restricted. I was taking Strider out to a farm for sheep-herding lessons, and we all kept our distance. It was easy because we were outdoors. We didn't wear masks, because we were shouting or whistling commands to the dogs. I spent those pandemic years mucking around in sheep pastures!!
fun title for the books you read in 2020. i would never remember a thing like that
I wouldn't have remembered!! I started keeping an Excel spreadsheet list of the audio books I was listening to in the car, on the way back and forth to work (to avoid listening to the same book twice). After I retired, I continued listing the books on my spreadsheet. My list started in 2006!! I listen to audio books while doing projects around the house and while driving in the car. My spreadsheet is up to line 659!! Now, I volunteer at our local library, so I can "talk books" with my friends there. :-)

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Challenge 6
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110.1 KB
600px x 600px

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