

newbeginnings left.jpg

Losing weight has always felt like an uphill battle. I’ve struggled with it for years, trying different diets, routines, and promises to myself, only to find my efforts slipping away. Each time I failed, the disappointment hit harder. I’d tell myself I’d try again tomorrow, but tomorrow often became next week, then next month, and before I knew it, another year had passed.

This week, I decided it was time to break the cycle. No more waiting for the perfect moment, no more excuses, no more hoping for some magical surge of motivation. I took a long, honest look at myself and acknowledged the truth: **I can’t do this alone anymore.**

So, I made the decision to reach out to a dietitian. For a long time, I thought asking for help meant admitting failure. But now I see it differently. Choosing to get help is a sign of strength. It’s me saying, “I deserve to feel good in my body, and I’m willing to take the steps to get there.” It’s not about perfection or instant results; it’s about committing to myself and my health.

One of the things that scares me the most is the accountability. Every two weeks, I’ll step on the scale. There’s no hiding, no avoiding the truth. But in a strange way, that’s also comforting. It gives me structure, something solid to hold onto, and a reason to stay focused. Knowing someone else is supporting me and rooting for my success makes this journey feel less isolating.

I’m trying to keep my expectations realistic. This won’t be easy, and there will be challenges along the way. But I’m hopeful. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I’m stepping into this with a clear mind and a real plan.

This is a fresh start, a new beginning. I know it’s going to take time, patience, and consistency. But this time, I’m not doing it alone, and that gives me the strength to believe I can make it. One small step, one decision, one day at a time. Maybe, just maybe, this time I’ll reach the summit and feel proud of how far I’ve come.
Credits list
  • Background paper from “Teachable Moments Digital Scrapbook Bundle” by Vicki Robinson, converted into a template
Designer(s) Used:
  1. CarolW Designs
This. :heartpumppink: :hug4::heartpumppink: I love this page (set) that you created. It could have been written for me. I love everything. The little bike rider and his arms wide open to embrace the change and reset. The colors of this page are soothing. Your journaling is so personal and relatable and I love that you asked for help. Wonderful brave first step! Im so excited for you and achieving your goals.
I especially love the left side of your LO; love the squiggly lines around the bike-it gives so much motion and it's a wonderful page. I also identify with your journaling...I have been working on & off for 40+ years and I'm still a work in progress.
This page is so freeing!! I adore the colors you chose and that boy on the bike portrays such freedom and it works perfectly with your journaling, I really relate!

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Member Galleries, Challenges, Oscraps Cheery O's, Art Journal,

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newbeginnings left.jpg
File size
183.4 KB
800px x 800px

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