

Herd of Toads - AnnaLift

  • Media owner hoodsmom
  • Date added
Detailed process notes in this thread

Oscraps Collabs Jingle Mingle, Anna's APPs Find My Way, H20
(small green) Origami frog designed by Juan Gimeno and folded by me

All other images generated with verbal prompts using various AI tools - I ask for monochrome things on plain (or transparent if the software allows) backgrounds so I can color with digiscrapping supplies. See photo credit field for more info.

Poem (is pretty strange, but I liked it) by writer and artist Tilsa Otta, who lives in Mexico and Peru

I saw a herd of toads
Translated By Farid Matuk

I saw a herd of toads in the gully of my reflection
Staring at each other arguing over insects
It wasn’t romantic
White suits folded on the lake
And a gold medal gleaming like the mosquito
That can distinguish blue blood
From slime
Sliding down the rocky salt flats
Of Acapulco’s snowy isthmus
It was my saddest memory
I was in pieces
I was feeling Greco-Roman
A hermaphroditic breeze fluttered the skirts
Of parking lot shadows
An oil smell took me out of the scene
And I entered the dark cinema
I lit a cigarette
The first light came on and by law
They kicked me out of this world
Photo(s) Credit (will be REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
see above - if you want to try AI, I recommend Google's Gemini (gemini-dot-google-com) - just enter your verbal prompt in the box - I assume that if you don't ask a question, it knows you want an image. You don't need to buy anything. I spent hours playing with the tool before I got cut off (the software just stopped generating images). I found that AI has a limited repertoire in that once you give it a prompt, changes to the image are relatively modest, so you have to "regenerate" the prompt a lot before you get images that differ substantially from each other. Also discovered that much like a teenager, if you give it too much info, it starts ignoring some of your instructions. My prompt for the frogs was something like "sardonic dismissive monochromatic origami frog facing viewer (or turned to its right - which the AI got right 50% of the time) on white background (gemini sometimes does transparent BGs, but apparently not for frogs). Gemini saves your activity for Google's purposes for 72 hours and while you can extend that length, you can't keep Google from saving it - so they warn you not to do anything you wouldn't want your mother to see.
Love the toads and framing! Interesting. I haven't played with AI yet, but am very intrigued with the possibilities.
Really interesting poem-I love your frog images, both real and AI generated. I also read through your post in the forum-very interesting, although I haven't dipped my toes in the AI waters yet either.
Love the strange poem and your hilarious description of using Gemini, I might have to give it a try. Love the simple and distressed black frames. Great take on the lift!

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Anna Aspnes
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173.7 KB
Date taken
Fri, 17 January 2025 9:02 AM
800px x 800px

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