

TMM Chall 6 Sliding Doors: Leiden

Created for the ‘These Moments Matter’ Month of Challenges by Pixels, Paper and Paint - Life in Pictures by Lynn and Rachel.
Credits list
Peregrination by Rachel Jefferies & Lynn Grieveson

Font - VT Portable Remington

Photo: from pixabay by user ariefyusuf

If there where no if, the cat would be king.
[It's a saying in Swedish, used to sort of say there's no use to worry about what could have happened if you've done something differently.]

We're not exactly sure when it was, but it was some time around 2000-2002, when Urban got a scholarship for studying abroad. We started to look at the possibilities to move to Leiden in The Netherlands. But then Urban got sick, and we stayed here in Sweden. Sometimes you can't help but wonder what our lives would look like today, if we had moved. John was small, just a couple of years old. How would his life been if he'd gone to school there? Had he become Dutch, and not Swedish? Would we have stayed in The Netherlands, or would Urban's career made us move somewhere else? Who knows where we might have ended up.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Lynn Grieveson
  2. Rachel Jefferies
Photo(s) Credit (will be REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
Photo: from pixabay by user ariefyusuf
Beautiful page... and I love that Swedish saying about the cat being a king... lol... I also love how you photo and your journaling are placed.

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Lynn Grieveson
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Rachel Jefferies,

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160.6 KB
800px x 800px

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