

#4 Frens— Bunny & Towhee

  • Media owner isDK
  • Date added
With hundreds of videos to study, it didn't take long to learn which of the visitors to the feeders were friendly and which ones were not. The most interesting of all to me, was the way the towhee would so often fly in when a bunny was eating, and the bunny mostly didn't seem to mind.
Credits list
ET Designs: Winter Whimsy
Joyful Heart Designs: Outdoorsy-button, stitches
Photo: mine
Designer(s) Used:
  1. et designs
  2. Joyful Heart Designs
Love this story! And beautiful blending of the foliage/brushwork into the frame.
Beautiful pages with awesome photos. The challenges are such fun, and I always enjoy the Recipe challenge. ♥
What a sweet story. Think about that learning process for the towhee. Must have been a lot of trial and error to learn who he could co-feed with. I love all of your layouts.
I love Towahees! Love the design of your page!
Are you trying to feed the bunny or the birds?
I love Towahees! Love the design of your page!
Are you trying to feed the bunny or the birds?
I had a house bunny who loved oats. One day I decided to just toss oats on the sidewalk. Bunnies ate them, and birds came too. We very gradually with weather changes added some plates, and when I learned to see the towhee and the junco, I found a bird see that's perfect and the bunnies love it too. The chickadees have been here all along, but now I see them much more often. :giggle4:

Layout information

Challenge 4
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Additional categories
Member Galleries, Joyful Heart Designs, et designs,

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File size
108.5 KB
800px x 506px

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