

Seeking Balance

  • Media owner hoodsmom
  • Date added
Oscraps Collab Jingle and Mingle (Anna Aspnes transfer, NLD and Foxey Squirrel papers)
Fonts: Silver Cycles, American Typewriter
Public domain candle and tarot card images

Scrapped in Affinity Photo - the artwork wasn't that hard, just coloring and blending
This was a test to see if I could do at least a little "extreme visual journaling" digitally - which I've never been able to do because digital gives me too much ability to redo work. But I've come up with a way to duplicate some aspects of visual journaling.
ref: Juliana Coles (https://www.clothpaperscissors.com/mixed-media-techniques/revisionary-journals-by-juliana-coles-2/)
a) create base paper, paste candle image (prompt was illumination)
b) in patches, add two layers of text (from Tony Small's song* "The Welcome," the chorus of which is about the custom of leaving candles in windows to alert travelers that a home was ready to welcome them). Mask out one layer and randomly paint some words in that layer back in. Examine what got highighted enough to read.
c) pick a random tarot card, find public domain image of it and add it to LO
d) mull over b and c to see if anything spoke to me

*recordings of the song:
Tommy Flemming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrzwse9zAts
Tommy O'Sullivan: http://www.tommyosullivan.net/multimedia/The_Welcome.mp3
fascinating!! This is visually engaging and I found myself with my nose right up to my monitor to get a better look! The bending and use of light is fantastic

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Art Journal
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File size
149.6 KB
Date taken
Fri, 27 December 2024 10:24 PM
700px x 700px

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