
Wow! This page is absolutely amazing! I love all the layering you did and the vertical design of your layout. I love the light blue background with the textured border to the left and the amazing layered border to the right. I love the chipboard title and your beautiful cascading cluster! Congratulations on being selected as Standing O 127!
Wow! This page is absolutely amazing! I love all the layering you did and the vertical design of your layout. I love the light blue background with the textured border to the left and the amazing layered border to the right. I love the chipboard title and your beautiful cascading cluster! Congratulations on being selected as Standing O 127!
Thank you so much @EvelynD2
OH WOW yes this is amazing! What an incredible combination of goodies, kept in the same neutrals and your shadowing is just sublime!
I love seeing your clusters, they are always so complex and well done. Congrats on your Standing O!
An incredibly creative and expressive implementation of my guidelines. I love the vertical design and the almost hidden quote in the right corner. It's a layout that immediately catches the eye. Thank you so much for joining the challenge.
Congrats on the well deserved Standing O!!!
Stunning page Gloria!! absolutely wow, love everything you have done here! The neutral color tones, shadowing and as always you amazing cluster work are really stand outs! So congrats on your Standing O, so very well deserved!

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12 Days December 2024
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700px x 700px

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