

November Challenge 2 - Fantasy

  • Media owner mimes1
  • Date added
For the November Fantasy Challenge HERE

This style of scrapbooking is 100% out of my experience and comfort zone! Thanks for the challenge Jeanne!
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Foxeysquirrel
Your first??? fantasy page???!!!! Amy!!! This is just gorgeous and stunning!! wow!!! Hopefully you will do a few more from now on!! :heartpumpred:
Sorry to be late to the party, Amy, but I've been sitting here, gobsmacked by this. Then I realized it's how I've seen you these past terrible 2 weeks, my beautiful angel sending me bubbles of prayer & hope - And that word art is perfect too, because you are very extraordinary. You shine all of the time, but so happy you got some extra shine in the newsletter.
Sorry to be late to the party, Amy, but I've been sitting here, gobsmacked by this. Then I realized it's how I've seen you these past terrible 2 weeks, my beautiful angel sending me bubbles of prayer & hope - And that word art is perfect too, because you are very extraordinary. You shine all of the time, but so happy you got some extra shine in the newsletter.
:lovey3: Your so very kind words humble me, Jeanne. Big hugs to you. :hug4:

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Challenge 2
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Additional categories
Foxeysquirrel, Oscraps Cheery O's, Art Journal,

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File size
106.8 KB
800px x 800px

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