
Art Journaling Focus Week 2 Moving Forward

Art Journaling Focus Week 2 Moving Forward

I was inspired by the quote on the Moodboard at Lower Left - The Key to Success is to FOCUS our conscience mind on things we desire and not things we fear.

I have a great desire to be a writer. But my perfectionism keeps getting in the way - which ties into Week 1. So I must try to Move Forward by focusing on my writing and not on the errors.

I loved this quote from the Moving Forward Kit - Life's Challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.

Journaling Text - I am now 60 years old and to be honest I still don't know who I am. No, that's not strictly true. I know I want to be a writer. but I cannot seem to move forward to actually become a writer. I have started tons of writing projects. I am never able to finish any of them. My perfectionism is so very paralyzing. It stops me from moving forward. I need to learn to let go and just FOCUS on writing and not worry about the errors for now. They can be dealt with at a later time. Now if only my brain can accept this.

Journaling Text Font - Lansbury FG
Colour - Dark Gray
Credits list
Everything is from the Moving Forward Kit by Lynne Anzelc
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Lynne Anzelc Designs
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I just love this, Robyn. I can totally relate to your problem with writing. I was firmly committed to writing myself, but had the same problem. What did work for me was to concntrate on small projects. I've had a few articles published - I hope you can get your focus and see your dream become a reality. I know how much you want that. Love the picture of the woman lifting up the baby. Thanks so much for playing along in our challenge.
you inspired me to do some writing in my journal (in Dutch, translated it using deepl). Perhaps I'll make it an art journal page as well

I am 51 years old, and still trying to figure out who I am. It’s strange to admit that. But, deep down, I do know one thing: I want to be a photographer. I can see it so clearly—the way I want to capture moments, freeze time in a frame, and tell stories through light and shadow. Yet, despite that clarity, I feel stuck, held back by my own perfectionism. It’s this constant, nagging voice that tells me what I do isn’t good enough. It paralyzes me, keeps me from moving forward, from just picking up my camera and shooting.

I know I need to let go, to stop worrying about the mistakes and imperfections that will undoubtedly come. Maybe that’s where my real growth lies—not in avoiding the errors but in learning from them. But I find myself too cautious, too worried about how others see me or what they might think. I adapt my plans to fit around others. If my husband doesn’t feel like going out, I stay home too, even when I feel that pull to be outside, exploring, photographing.

It’s not just about taking photos; it’s about taking control of my own life. Why should I wait for someone else to feel ready? Why do I follow in someone else’s passivity when I could be out there creating something that feels like mine? It’s as if I’m standing at the edge, knowing exactly what I need to do, but still waiting for permission—permission that only I can give myself.

If only my brain could accept this. That the path forward isn’t perfect, that it’s full of missteps and blurred lines, but that’s okay. The errors, the imperfect shots, the days when I don’t feel inspired—those are all part of the process. I just need to focus. Focus on what I love, focus on taking those pictures, on stepping out the door whether or not someone joins me. This is my life, my passion, and I’m the one who has to live it.

It’s time to stop holding back and take that step. If I can just let go of the need for everything to be perfect, maybe I’ll finally find the freedom I’ve been chasing.
you inspired me to do some writing in my journal (in Dutch, translated it using deepl). Perhaps I'll make it an art journal page as well

It’s not just about taking photos; it’s about taking control of my own life. Why should I wait for someone else to feel ready? Why do I follow in someone else’s passivity when I could be out there creating something that feels like mine? It’s as if I’m standing at the edge, knowing exactly what I need to do, but still waiting for permission—permission that only I can give myself.

It’s time to stop holding back and take that step. If I can just let go of the need for everything to be perfect, maybe I’ll finally find the freedom I’ve been chasing.

That is what I was missing.

Giving myself permission to write!!

Thank you so much!! :D
I think we all go through phases of not knowing who we are. Sometimes it just takes moving forward...that first step, followed by another, then another. Great journaling and page.
Oh my gosh! This page is so beautiful and I love how it inspired others. What a wonderful layout that shows your writing and how it evokes emotion in others. I love all the "writing" in the backgrounds and the torn worn paper peeling back to show more writing. You are a writer. And this layout shows how beautifully you write. :heartpumppink:
Wow, this is awesome. I love the journaling and the silhouette figures. Beautiful layout.
I relate to this page so much - first of all because I am a fresh 60 year old too, and trying to find myself and who I am now apart from being Mommy and a homeschool Mom.

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