I was inspired by the quote on the Moodboard at Lower Left - The Key to Success is to FOCUS our conscience mind on things we desire and not things we fear.
I have a great desire to be a writer. But my perfectionism keeps getting in the way - which ties into Week 1. So I must try to Move Forward by focusing on my writing and not on the errors.
I loved this quote from the Moving Forward Kit - Life's Challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.
Journaling Text - I am now 60 years old and to be honest I still don't know who I am. No, that's not strictly true. I know I want to be a writer. but I cannot seem to move forward to actually become a writer. I have started tons of writing projects. I am never able to finish any of them. My perfectionism is so very paralyzing. It stops me from moving forward. I need to learn to let go and just FOCUS on writing and not worry about the errors for now. They can be dealt with at a later time. Now if only my brain can accept this.
Journaling Text Font - Lansbury FG
Colour - Dark Gray