


I prefer to use the word Affirmations rather than Mantra. So here is my story.

Journaling text

Some 30 years ago I used to be a carpet. I had grown up basically being told that I was not allowed to say NO. So as I got older, I ended up allowing everyone to walk all over me because I could not say NO. I had no boundaries.

As a result I would regularly become physically ill, throwing up and having migraines. Eventually it got so bad that I knew I needed help. So I found a private counselor who gave me some wonderful advice and affirmations.

I had to give myself permission to say NO. I am allowed to say NO. These affirmations are the best at helping me stay calm and de-stressed. Especially the one that says I am allowed to say NO.

Font Arial
Note to Self Image found online
Credits list
Journaling Paper from The Little Tailor - A Junk Journal Collection by Lynne Anzelc
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Lynne Anzelc Designs
This is beautiful and so relatable, I can identify with your affirmations, not a carpet, but as a failure, not good at anything. I am so glad you were strong enough to ask for help and that you were helped in such a positive way. That beautiful, blended photo, she's no doubt making a party dress for someone else because she's not going to the party. We are programmed from such an early age, I'm so happy that your affirmations have helped you break free.
That is amazing and what an accomplishment! Your journaling is 100% from the heart and it shows. ♥ I love the little post-it notes on the page so much!
Affirmations also work perfectly for this challenge on inner focus!
This is wonderful! I am so glad you shared. Learning to say no is the hardest thing to learn. I love your journal feel of the layout and your message is relatable to so many. Beautiful in so many ways.
Wonderful, heartfelt journaling. I'm so glad you got the help you needed. Love the blended photo treatment. Great page!
this is what art journaling is all about!!!!!! I am so happy that you shared your thoughts with us. I think we as women have a hard time saying no. We need to recapture our ability to take care of ourselves.

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