
September AJ Week 4 {FOCUS}

September AJ Week 4 {FOCUS}

Week 4, for our September AJ Challenges, is still using the word prompt focus. This week, Chris asks us to think about a mantra. Since my layout is kind of a "full circle" - which is where my muse led me this week, I'm going to concentrate on the word love. "I am loved", I'm surrounded by love". Through my "grief journaling" for the past months, I believe I've grown a lot since the image of the hopeless, crying woman in the upper left corner. Moving across the top, are my "typical wings". This time, represented by Chuck giving me faith (which he always did). the lower left corner is him giving ME wings. Wings to move on - to fly. Then, the wrap-up "Because he loved me.

I'm looking forward to seeing where my must leads me in the next months. I know you'll see some similarities because this is kind or a culmination of some of my other pages. I also hope you see some "new direction".
Oh Cheryl. :heartpumppink: My eyes are filled with tears reading your comments. I do see the growth. I want to meet you in person so badly and am sad I wont get to meet the man who loved you so. Your layouts show so much love and just how much Chuck loved you. I love the boarder you add to these pages. The continuity of it shows the everlasting love that nothing can break. And the wings :hug3: His and yours. So beautiful. I see the growth too in that this layout is lighter. In mood, colors and feel. I love seeing the focus being all the love the two of you have for each other. It would be easy to focus on the loss and you haven't done that. You chose the love and its beautiful to see. :heartpumppink:
Oh Cheryl. :heartpumppink: My eyes are filled with tears reading your comments. I do see the growth. I want to meet you in person so badly and am sad I wont get to meet the man who loved you so. Your layouts show so much love and just how much Chuck loved you. I love the boarder you add to these pages. The continuity of it shows the everlasting love that nothing can break. And the wings :hug3: His and yours. So beautiful. I see the growth too in that this layout is lighter. In mood, colors and feel. I love seeing the focus being all the love the two of you have for each other. It would be easy to focus on the loss and you haven't done that. You chose the love and its beautiful to see. :heartpumppink:
Thank you for your always insightful and heartwarming words, Tracy. I SO wish we could meet IRL, we would have so much to share. Yesterday was the 8th month anniversary since I lost Chuck, and I worked on this last night. I wanted it to have a lighter look (which you said it did). This page came together pretty easily - not like last weeks. I'm going to try my hardest to "focus" on the love going forward, and not the loss. Thank you for your love and support. :heartpumpred::heartpumpred::hug3::hug2:
I see the joy shining forth from your heart and beaming on your face. What a wonderful blessing you were given in Chuck! The tear- a tear for every moment of love shared. The strong contrast on the photo is eye arresting. :hug3:
I see the joy shining forth from your heart and beaming on your face. What a wonderful blessing you were given in Chuck! The tear- a tear for every moment of love shared. The strong contrast on the photo is eye arresting. :hug3:
Thank you for our wonderful and heartfelt comments, Amanda. We really did love each other and it never wavered. I was SO blessed to have had Chuck in my life for so many years. I knew I loved him from the moment we met and went on our first date. He brought a babysitter (so I'd have no excuses) and took me to a fancy restaurant in Indianapolis that turned as we were dining. I'll never forget that night or the years that followed. :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred:
Oh, Cheryl! What a beautiful layout and such a beautiful photo of you two! I love the journaling you wrote about the journey you have been on since the death of your beloved husband, Chuck! Congratulations on being selected as Standing O 96!
The smiles are brighter, the photo is brighter and warmer with the photo treatment you used. These have gotten lighter as you have been creating them, as though the grief is being burned back, allowing more sunshine into your heart and life. I can tell the difference since your special outdoor space was completed and you can sit there with Chuck & share that view. You have such a phenomenal supportive family friends that help you carry that pain, a testament to you and Chuck what you created together. You and this layout both deserve a Standing O.
Oh, Cheryl! What a beautiful layout and such a beautiful photo of you two! I love the journaling you wrote about the journey you have been on since the death of your beloved husband, Chuck! Congratulations on being selected as Standing O 96!
Thank you SO much for your sweet words and for the Standing O, Sweet Evelyn. You just made my whole day!!
The smiles are brighter, the photo is brighter and warmer with the photo treatment you used. These have gotten lighter as you have been creating them, as though the grief is being burned back, allowing more sunshine into your heart and life. I can tell the difference since your special outdoor space was completed and you can sit there with Chuck & share that view. You have such a phenomenal supportive family friends that help you carry that pain, a testament to you and Chuck what you created together. You and this layout both deserve a Standing O.
Oh my goodness, Jeanne, thank you SO much! Your words have really touched my heart. I'm glad that you can see that I'm "lightening" up in my mood and in my art. I can feel a real relief - like it's being lifted off my shoulders. I know this is what Chuck would want me to do. :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred:

EDITED: Funny you should mention the photo treatment. This was a really terrible picture - but it's fairly new and I really wanted to use it. I had to do a whole lot to it to make it usable. I've been looking at it for awhile now and thinking "there's no way". I found a way and I'm glad you noticed and like it.
Cheryl, not only is your page wonderful and filled with love, but so are the comments and conversations among your friends here. You and CHuck are such special people and I adore how he shines through your art and we all feel a little brighter by knowing him that way
I agree with what everyone else has said. And proud of you for your growth, your honesty, your perseverance. You and Chuck had what most people can only dream of, and that kind of love never dies. You will have it forever, regardless of the path you take. Congratulations on your successful baby steps, and on your Standing O, well deserved Cheryl!!

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