

The Door

  • Media owner bcgal00
  • Date added
Mood Board Challenge choices:
  • #1 heart
  • #2 door
  • #7 black brush
  • #9 flowers
  • #10 top weighted design
Credits list
Everything About Me Bundle | CarolW Designs
Designer(s) Used:
  1. CarolW Designs
  • Love
Reactions: joyfulheartdesigns
What a neat page, I love how the door seems to divide the top and bottom sections of the page but also leads into a deeper part of the page and the world beyond
Love this. I also have an obsession for doors. Have you seen the Fairy doors in Ann Arbor? They even have a map to find them all over the city. I love the colors you used and of course your clusters are aways amazing.
Love this. I also have an obsession for doors. Have you seen the Fairy doors in Ann Arbor? They even have a map to find them all over the city. I love the colors you used and of course your clusters are aways amazing.
That would be fun to discover! My hubs laughs at me as I get excited about finding an interesting door to photograph. It is usually on the fly, as we drive by or quickly walk down a street full of people, so they are usually not well composed shots but I love them anyway.

Layout information

Challenge 2
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Date added
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0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
Additional categories
Member Galleries, Oscraps Cheery O's, CarolW,

Image metadata

File size
249.5 KB
800px x 800px

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