

Changing My Perspective

  • Media owner pachimac
  • Date added
On the way to our vacation in Wyoming, the rental van broke down. We were stuck with no AC on the side of the highway at 114 degrees for about 3 hours. My old me would have had a panic attack and fall apart, but the changing me was able to handle it. I prayed, I tried to remind myself of how God protected us in other ways...and I am proud of the way I handled myself.
Credits list
Manu Designs | Heart of a Lion
Maya DeGroot | Debutante
Lynn Grieveson | Finding Balance
Rachel Jefferies | Trust in This
Rachel Jefferies |Stay Patient
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Maya de Groot
  • Love
Reactions: mimes1 and MrsPeel
What a great page to document what could have been a real bad experience, Susie. You handled that with such calm and didn't allow panic to set in. Beautiful page and I love the add of your face to the page.
You are so beautiful! I love how you blended yourself into the brick wall. You are stronger than that wall. And proved it with how you handled the break down. Grace and courage and strength. I love this layout. Its touch, and soft at the same time.
Fantastic AJ page! Everything about this is detailed and creative. The strength and courage this displays is tremendous. I love that you added the debutante as a measure of strength but also softness. So well done.
being able to breathe through a panic attack is *hard* and I'm so happy that you did it!
I adore that finger pointing to you that says brave-- sums it up wonderfully!!
Congrats on the GSO tooooo!!!!!-

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485.6 KB
800px x 800px

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