


  • Media owner Belle
  • Date added
Rian was diagnosed with a horrible disease. They gave him between 6 months and 3 years to live.
When he got home, he took this photo of his shadow, and thought to himself, I wonder how long I will have a shadow.
His doctor sent him for a second opinion and they found that he did not have the disease. I believe that was through the power of prayer.
oscraps CB paper emetodesigns 2; cwx dwl el22; etd lakememories grass
Palvinka Diamond of the Season; joyfulheartdesigns paper; ChrisArt toolbox; lgrieveson nocturne mm 3; aimeeh forestpath hikingboots;
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Christine Art
  3. et designs
  4. Joyful Heart Designs
  5. Lynn Grieveson
Oooh, Belle, what a powerful page. It gave me goosebumps. I loved the split-page design before I read your journaling and it is even more impactful after reading it. I am so glad that you had a good second opinion!
This is such an impactful layout, Belle. Really touching with the journaling and the shadow. I am so glad for you and your family that Rian's original diagnosis was inaccurate.
Wow Belle, this page is amazing! I love the shadow and how you split the page and journaling. So thankful it was misdiagnosed and Rian is fine. What a beautiful layout showing courage.
This is such a powerful page, Belle. The shadow and why Rian took the picture gave me goosebumps, too. I love how you added your journaling all around your page. What an impactful page and a miracle that Rian was misdiagnosed. Hugs to you and what a perfect page for this word prompt.
Oh Belle, what a wonderful page to see. I remember when you told us Rian was diagnosed with that terrible disease and I have thought of him at times. So, so happy to hear that it was a wrong diagnosis, oh what great news for him and for your whole family. The shadow photo and his thoughts are powerful and for sure - what courage he has. Beautiful page...

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