


This was fun. I feel lighter with this layout and the fun little tricks I have been learning. I used Backyard Vibes for my background paper, All in the Family for my girl who's changing each layout, the beautiful journal book from Vintage Album Collection to hold all my thoughts and quotes, Multi Media Documents to hold my song and add some fun to the page, and some wonderful Cool Glows to add sparkle and depth.
Great page, Tracy and your journaling is so heartfelt and introspective. I like how you journaled on the book like a diary and the girl is so sweet. Your yellow background is so cheerful. :cool:
Great page, Tracy and your journaling is so heartfelt and introspective. I like how you journaled on the book like a diary and the girl is so sweet. Your yellow background is so cheerful. :cool:
Thank you Marilyn. :heartpumppink: Its been a journey. I love the journal books in the collection. And I am so happy to have a place to use them. They are fun.
his is just wonderful, Tracy. You've taken a big negative and turned it into a positive. I know, from experience, that it doesn't always work on the long term, but it does work, and we have to keep doing this over and over. It's a thing we have to keep on practicing, and putting it on paper starts with the healing process. Hugs, my friend, wish we could be together IRL and share our experiences. :hug3::hug4::hug1:
his is just wonderful, Tracy. You've taken a big negative and turned it into a positive. I know, from experience, that it doesn't always work on the long term, but it does work, and we have to keep doing this over and over. It's a thing we have to keep on practicing, and putting it on paper starts with the healing process. Hugs, my friend, wish we could be together IRL and share our experiences. :hug3::hug4::hug1:
Yes! I do to! I wish we could be IRL. I am sure even more healing would happen. :hug2: Thank you so much for seeing the negative turned positive. :heartpumppink: I'm still working on it, some times its minute by minute, but each set back isn't as far back as the time before. One day, I will be East Coast and I plan to Scrap visit my way around. :heartpumppink:
Yes! I do to! I wish we could be IRL. I am sure even more healing would happen. :hug2: Thank you so much for seeing the negative turned positive. :heartpumppink: I'm still working on it, some times its minute by minute, but each set back isn't as far back as the time before. One day, I will be East Coast and I plan to Scrap visit my way around. :heartpumppink:
That's all we can try for. It's like that grief cycle - it just keeps going round and round. Some days are better than others, I get that. I'll tell you what Chuck would say "Now, hon, she did the best she knew how to do at the time." Of course, he had the perfect mother - I always envied that so much. She WAS amazing.

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