

The Science of yesterday/chall 2

nbk white christmas paper as overlay (parts used twice)
Archive frame
splatter and cursive writing overlayed
My choice of paper was to make it look as if the photo had been spilled upon with chemistry solutions and bits of notes had stuck and the photo had been written upon. The frames was meant to convey that it had been found in the archives perhaps beneath corroded files and miscellaneous.
APP Scholarly
RJefferies serendipity, this is us
Anna paper textures
chemistry items from the internet
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Rachel Jefferies
  • Love
Reactions: lacy
You certainly did a fantastic job on the photo Helene, it turned out terrific! Also love how you have scrapped it here, along with some modern day ones! Your layout is so very creative and fabulous!
This is so cool! Your theme is very creative and I love the mix of old and new. The photo treatment looks very old. The graphic elements in your background are a nice contrast to the "old" photo also.
You certainly achieved your goals with this fabulous page! I love the mix of old and new (those photos are adorable) and your wonderful chemistry-themed background.

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Challenge 2
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