

April Challenge 6

I planted a bunch of mini
pepper seeds that didn’t come
up so I put the rest of my seeds
in paper towel layers and sprayed
it with water and put it in plastic bag.
I put the bag along with my seedstarter pods into the oven with the
light on. That keeps the temperature
an even 80ish degrees. I check the
seeds every few days for ones that
have spouted and then put them into
the seed pods until they sprout up.
I love seeing life start like this. It is
very satisfying.
Credits list
BMU_SSStyles_Rustic_Rusty (Scrapgirls)


Font: ChalkDust

Template by Diane (madi)
That's so cool!! I didn't know you could start seeds in your oven! The title work as brown on brown is very effective, and the photo of those teeny tiny seeds is amazing.
This is so wonderful. We have started seeds that way and it is fascinating, I agree. I'm trying that now with papaya seeds but not having any luck. I really like your background paper
What a great idea! I love your photos and the dirt brown background. I especially like your (embossed?) title work. Subtle, but very effective. Oh yes, and that great veggie background paper!
What?? In the oven??? Who knew! Well, you did or you wouldn't have done this. I love the layout. Its very striking and fun. I love seeing the seeds in the oven.
love that background paper, so perfect for your photos. thanks for playing the challenge!
@AK_Tracy, I came up with this idea when trying to do a sourdough bread starter in the winter time. While my starter was in there next to the light bulb, I put my seed starter pods in there. It worked great.

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Challenge 6
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Image metadata

2024 03 22 Sweet Pepper Seed Sprouts.jpg
File size
5.3 MB
Date taken
Sun, 21 April 2024 9:14 PM
3600px x 3600px

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