
Life is Messy Sometimes

Life is Messy Sometimes

We’ve had a couple of trying weeks. Really, I think this whole year has been trying. Between the health issues and the car troubles and furnace issues, it has been one event after another! I’m feeling pretty weary at the moment!
Sunday evening I noticed that my tongue and my swallowing felt different when I was eating some wheat thins, but I didn’t think too much about it until I woke up with a sore throat on Monday and the “weirdness” was still evident to my tongue and throat, I took a look in the mirror at my tongue. Sure enough, it was covered with something (yeast, I have since learned). I immediately called the doctor and got an appointment for this morning.
When I googled, “why is my tongue white?” there were several reasons given from being dehydrated to taking antibiotics and the balance of bacteria in my mouth being messed up. I didn’t think I was on an antibiotic. But when I googled the COVID meds I’ve been on, it turns out that one of them is an antibiotic.
I got up and showered to get ready for my appointment this morning. Got in the car, drove less than .25 miles when I noticed the engine light on. GREAT! I turned around and went back to the house and called Mark. He came to my rescue and we made it to my appointment being just a few minutes late.
“It” is, indeed, from taking the antibiotic (the doctor never did really call “it” anything). So, now I have a prescription for a “swish and swallow” mouth rinse. It is not “supposed” to upset my stomach! Is that true for someone with IBS? I guess we shall see!
Yes, I’m tired and OH, so weary of this sin-cursed world! My thoughts more and more turn to heaven and I find myself saying, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” But, I also realize that there is an appointed day for me to leave this world…..and it could be today…..but probably not. It is when I’m feeling discouraged and tired and ready to give up that the Lord begins my day with a verse like He gave me today in my “Mornings with Jesus” devotional…….
2 Corinthians 4:17-18. “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”
My troubles seem heavy to me, especially while in the midst of them. But, compared to the glory that awaits us in our eternal home, my troubles are nothing! I’m glad there is going to be peace in heaven’s valley! 2/6/24
The song lyrics included are "Peace in the Valley" and "Goodbye, World! Goodbye!"
Credits list
Reflections WordMIX Brushes No 1 by Anna Aspnes
APP Reflections by Anna Aspnes
LeafGlows No 1 by Anna Aspnes
By the Morning Light Word Art & Brushes by Lynne Anzelc
The Magic of Nature Kit by Lynne Anzelc
The Magic of Nature Word Art and Brushes by Lynne Anzelc
Reflection Elements by Natali Designs
Font is Arial Narrow
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Lynne Anzelc Designs
  3. natali design
A beautiful way to Journal about your trying few weeks Vicky! I hope it was theraputic for you! Your journaling is wonderful and I hope that the next few days are so much better for you! :hug1:
Oh Vicky, your lines really touch my heart, but please remember, you are not terminally ill, you have a low! And your deep faith will help you find your way out of this crisis! Give yourself time and courage! Don't despair! You have each other! Even if it gets really bumpy. I hug you from a distance and send you a truckload of good thoughts. Always look where the desperation is much greater. Your layout is great. Be hugged! :hug4:
Oh, Vicky... your journaling about how difficult life has been lately struck a chord of what to do when life is hard. Glad you have your faith to help carry your through. Praying that things will get better in the near future.

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