

The Small stuff

There are very few photographs of me as a child but for some reason Mum took these of me feeding the birds at our back door. I was tall for my age, so I think I might be three or four here - no date on the photograph.

Anna's new collection is delightful as always! Artsy paper as a foundation, photo of me looking up is clipped to a fotoblendz with the face accentuated by adding extra brushwork to fotoblendz. The other is masked, painted back then positioned behind the fotoblendz, both are normal mode. I then started adding additional transfers, layering and changing the modes, experimenting really. One of the transfers is color mode 55% and that gives me the soft blue tone of the coat. The rest is adding embellishments plus lots of gorgeous bits and pieces from MM Enigma plus Word Art.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
I like the image and orientation. The period dress is always interesting to me. Then comes the beautiful page design..bravo.
Love that darling little coat! And beautiful design. You have such a great way of adding so many details yet so pleasing to the eye. LOVE the trio of the leaves transfers on the right. Brilliant!
Wonderful heritage page and photo of you! A treasure. Love the blending and placement of the confetti.

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Anna Aspnes
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1000px x 1000px

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