

Small Everyday Moments - Festal

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
A painting I saw while shopping for a clock in the At Home store grabbed my attention, so I took a picture and scrapped it.

Artsy Paper 4 was placed for the foundation and the photo was placed above on Darken blend mode with some masking on the hard edges. The Artsy Layered Template 238 layers, placed between the photo and the paper, were turned off and on one at a time, most layers were removed. Then I flipped all the layers horizontally, in order to place the camera and other elements in the lower right corner. ArtStroke, Overlay, and Spackle Textures were added. The Word ART Cluster was placed, with a layer style from Anna’s Shapes, Styles, & Repetition Class on the wood word. Finished with journaling in a text box with a glow below.
Credits list
ArtPlay Collection Festal this week's Anna Classic On Sale
ArtPlay Palette Festal (Artsy Paper 4, Overlay 1, Artstroke1, twig, leaf, camera, wood bead, copper bead)
Spackle Textured 5-1 (No longer available as an individual product)
Celebrate Word MIX 1 (script tease2)
Artsy Layered Template 238 (texture, art strokes, hipster plume layers only, fill with color and adjust blending modes)

Other assets used:
Seasons WordART Clusters 1-4 (with added Layer Style on the wood word from Shapes, Styles and Repetition Class
Urban Threadz 28-1
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Love the cityscape with the skyscrapers and warm autumn colors. Gorgeous!
Inspiration is truly everywhere. This is marvelous and I love the use of the vintage camera at the bottom. Hope you found a good clock!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
254.7 KB
600px x 600px

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