


This was an emotional week for me. I have been fortunate to not have severe side effects due to chemo. However, it did make me really sad when my hair started falling out. :(

You Give Me Wings Kit by Rachel Jefferies and Studio Basic Designs
You Give Me Wings Mixed Media by Rachel Jefferies and Studio Basic Designs
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Rachel Jefferies
I’m truly sorry you are going through a tough time. Sending you love and congrats on the GSO, your page gorgeous!
Thank you so much! I know this is part of the journey but it has been hard.
Good for you. I did the same and I never wore a wigg. I did wear a hat when it was cold, most of the time I used a buff as a hat https://www.buff.com/nl_eur/, they were just so easy and I hated the other hats there were especially for women losing their hair due to chemo.
I think you did scrap yourself so beautiful. Your page is amazing.
And someday your hair will grow back.
Lol, I never had curls, always wanted them. When my hair grew back it were curls. A lot of them and I hated it. My hair was everywhere, wild and uncontrollable. It took me a long time, but now I am used to them. Weird isn't it?
Thank you so much, Jeannette! Thank you for sharing your journey with me as well. It will be interesting to see how my hair comes back. I had it colored blond but the roots were dark with gray around my temples and forehead. I guess I will have to be surprised when it comes back!:)
It's hard to document difficult things, but you did it so well and even put a positive spin on it. Congrats on your GSO!
Thank you so much, Angie. This journey is part of my story so I thought I should scrap it.
Congratulations, your layout will be featured in tonight's Monday Oscraps newsletter :heartpumplove:
Thank you so much, Jenn! What a wonderful surprise! It came on a good day to cheer me up! I have had a trying day as I have developed "floaters' in my left eye and am fighting a migraine. I have my second chemo tomorrow so m hoping this headache goes away soon.
Thank you so much, Jenn! What a wonderful surprise! It came on a good day to cheer me up! I have had a trying day as I have developed "floaters' in my left eye and am fighting a migraine. I have my second chemo tomorrow so m hoping this headache goes away soon.
Oh goodness...just one more thing to deal with, huh?!! :( I hope you are feeling better by now and are able to get some good rest before tomorrow :hug2: :beatingheart:
Oh goodness...just one more thing to deal with, huh?!! :( I hope you are feeling better by now and are able to get some good rest before tomorrow :hug2: :beatingheart:
Thank you so much, Jenn! The ophthalmologist said it is normal to get them at my age. I has also dealing with a migraine so finally called the oncologist's office. They said I could take some Sudafed which has helped with the headache but not the floaters. They still are drifting around. I'm praying they go away as I read they often do. I can't imagine always having to deal with something in your line of vision. Tod took off work tomorrow to go with me. This takes a lot of stress off me since he is the one doing the driving. :). He is so good to me and takes wonderful care of me. God sure blessed me with a wonderful guy! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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