


This was an emotional week for me. I have been fortunate to not have severe side effects due to chemo. However, it did make me really sad when my hair started falling out. :(

You Give Me Wings Kit by Rachel Jefferies and Studio Basic Designs
You Give Me Wings Mixed Media by Rachel Jefferies and Studio Basic Designs
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Rachel Jefferies
Again, HUGE (((((HUGS))))) to you...I know this has been a scary and difficult thing to go through...you've got this...I have a strong feeling that you will be healed :heartpumpred::beatingheart::heartpumpred::beatingheart::heartpumpred:
Evelyn, I cut my hair off 19 years ago when I was going to have a major operation and would not be able to raise my hands above my head for months. Not the same as your reasons at all, but you look wonderful and who knows you might feel like keeping it that way, as I did. I am sending you hugs and prayers. You are a wonderful person and your toughness through this journey is inspirational. Thank you for your honest, beautiful page and for joining my challenge. The shadow on your title is perfection. Claire x
Evelyn, I so admire your courage and your belief in God. What a sweet hair dresser, who not only embraced you, but didn't charge you. Your layout is so full of peace, hope and faith. Hugs to you on this journey.:hug2::hug1::hug4: I'm also giving you a Standing O for this heartfelt and beautiful layout.
Thank you so much, Cheryl! What a wonderful surprise! God has given me peace through a very trying journey.
Evelyn, I cut my hair off 19 years ago when I was going to have a major operation and would not be able to raise my hands above my head for months. Not the same as your reasons at all, but you look wonderful and who knows you might feel like keeping it that way, as I did. I am sending you hugs and prayers. You are a wonderful person and your toughness through this journey is inspirational. Thank you for your honest, beautiful page and for joining my challenge. The shadow on your title is perfection. Claire x
Thank you so much, Claire! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with me. Your hair looks fantastic! You are one gorgeous lady! Thank you so much for hosting this challenge! I thought it was a good time to put vanity aside and be transparent. My hair is still falling out and I know that soon it will all be gone. I know God will give me the strength I need when I cross that bridge,
Thank you so much, Claire! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with me. Your hair looks fantastic! You are one gorgeous lady! Thank you so much for hosting this challenge! I thought it was a good time to put vanity aside and be transparent. My hair is still falling out and I know that soon it will all be gone. I know God will give me the strength I need when I cross that bridge,
You are SO strong, losing your hair will never dampen that. It might hurt a bit, but it won't dimmish your strength x

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Challenge 3
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Rachel Jefferies,

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250.1 KB
600px x 600px

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