

Butterfly and Spider

  • Media owner musicmom3
  • Date added
A snapshot of two of the grands in costume on our recent family outing to Legoland New York.

Process: The colors of the kids' costumes were as different (and as incompatible) as can be, so I selected Artsy Paper #4 because it looked like it would be a good background for an extraction. I extracted the kids using the iPhone extract feature, then converted the image to black and white. I outlined them after placing them in the composition with the “Big Noisy Border” Outer Glow in the Style panel of Photoshop Elements 14.

For embellishment, I selected layers (Urban Threadz, spider, ribbon, spatter, paint) from Multimedia Elements Uncanny #1 and used them in concert with elements from the Artplay Pallette ( I duplicated the pumpkin on color burn mode for a golden color).

I also used a few brushes to expand the “staircase” shape on the artsy paper, to give the raven something to stand on.
Credits list
Artplay Collection Uncanny https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Uncanny-Collection.html on sale with a bonus pack for a limited time only

For this layout I used the Artplay Palette, the Multimedia Elements, and the WordART from the Bonus Pack
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
What a great extraction and effect - that outline is awesome! Great idea on the golden pumpkin and the extended "stairs" - I love that brush too! Gives me good ideas for when I have costumed photos!
Superb! Great idea to change the photographs to black and white, you've created a great spooky vibe also brimming over with fun!

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Anna Aspnes
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File size
219.2 KB
Date taken
Mon, 23 October 2023 7:34 AM
648px x 648px

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