

Tally Ho

Every fall my community holds a "Fox Hunt" to honor the past tradition of the English settlers. The horses and riders parade down main street at dawn with the hounds in tow. The day is filled with horse races and a tailgating competition.
Credits list
This limited option is back at a 55% discount and now includes the coordinating ArtsyTransfers. This product will no longer be available after October 25, 2023 at 9am EST
Artplay Evanescent Collection
Artplay Palette Evanescent (paper, frame, buttons, leaf, label word, bow)
Artsy Transfers Evanescent
MultiMedia Pumpkins 3 (recolored)
Moments WordART Mix 1 (beads)

FotoInspired Template 3D_8 (frame with evelope), paper frame
Artplay Palette Blitzen (horn charm)
Artplay Palette Among Friends (ribbon from charm)
Artplay MiniPalette Terraqueous (splatters)
MultiMedia City 1_4E (threadz)
Sky Transfers 3_1 (textures)

A solid paper from APP Evanescent was used as the foundation for the page. Frames from FIDT 3 (page 8) were added with photos clipped to the frame masks. A color overlay (blending mode overlay) was added to the horn from APP Blitzen. The ribbon, heart leaf and MM Pumpkins 3 were recolored using the color balance adjustment tool. The page was completed by adding word art, textures, splatters and dimensional embellishments.

Thank you for looking!
Love the tradition. Your layers are perfect and your color palette is spot on.
Oh my goodness, for a minute I thought it was a real blood and guts fox hunt! I love the way you have crafted the page with the photograph of the riders and the 'fox' enjoying a picnic, and that French horn with the autumnal ribbons is superb! Fabulous page!
Excellent choice of colors and elements. They really help tell the story. Love the torn frames too!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
436.7 KB
1000px x 1000px

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