Created with : "Field Notes" & "Artful Expression 4" by Vicki Robinson for her challenge of september : "create a layout about one of your possessions that is important to you".
The subject is my granddaughter and my daughter.
Personnal picture (don't copy, thank you).
The personnal journaling says that :
" Bertille is my 4 years old granddaughter.
She is the only daughter of my only daughter.
For me, having a child was a long
period of distress before finally arriving
to be the mam of my wonderful star.
I am lucky to have a big daughter
marvelous who always has a lot of love
for her parents and a lot of gratitude
for the education she received.
When she was pregnant, she experienced difficulties
during the fifth month she had to stay
lying down until giving birth, no longer able to
practicing her altruistic profession as an osteopath.
She was very respectful of the instructions
which had been given to her
and she gave birth to a magnificent
little girl on the day of the summer solstice.
What a strange event for a mother
fusional to see once again her life around her child.
Bertille is a copy of her mam, physically and behaviorally too.
They are my passion, I love them more than anything.
In this terrifying world of hatred, crime and blood
I still dare to hope that these two wonders will
not to be confronted with people's madness.
I am very proud of my two daughters but I am not
no less worried. I still can't see my daughter
like a mother! And Bertille is part of the lineage
women of character in the family!
May happiness accompany you every day
my darlings,"