
pam p

Grandpa C.jpg

  • Media owner pam p
  • Date added
The only grandfather that I knew. My other grandfather died when my Dad was a young boy. The grandfather of this page was a quiet, kind and religious man.He loved his family and life.Across the street from his home was a block long park where he often took me when he would umpire ball games on the week-end. He also was a maker of trains, first steam and then later locomotives. I have special memories of him being so generous to his brothers.He holds a special place in my heart.I think the boy and woman in the picture had their photo taken with him after the boy's team won a championship baseball game.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
A special memory and tribute captured! Love the blending and textures. Wonderful heritage page.
What a stunning layout! I love the rich colors and all the blending. Congrats on your GSO!
Beautifully complied. You love for your Grandfather shines throughout your art.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
pam p
Date added
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Grandpa C.jpg
File size
211.7 KB
595px x 595px

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