
High Rock Lake 52 Inspirations

High Rock Lake 52 Inspirations

Done for the 52 Inspirations Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/august-challenge-6-52-inspirations.38106/

Journaling reads: To celebrate 5 years of marriage we rode the Goldwing to Lakeview Family Restaurant on High Rock Lake in Salisbury. It was hot. I was miserable. The heat coming off of the pavement did not help the situation! Mark asked if I wanted to stop and eat before we reached our intended destination. I did not want to be a party-pooper so I told him to keep going. I was able to get cooled off in the restaurant, but the ride home was worse! We stopped at Dairi-O for ice cream but I was so hot I felt sick and couldn’t eat any ice cream. Mark wanted to ride home to get the car and come back for me. I didn’t want to wait. Mark drove as fast as he could through Thomasville. As soon as we arrived, I stripped off my clothes and put on my light-weight night gown, turned the fan on, sat in my recliner and tried to chill out now that I was in the AC and had air flowing around me. It took about 30 minutes, but I finally felt better! The trip was cut short, but the scenery was enjoyable at least. 7/26/23

I used one of the elements as a photo mask. I used a filter and then changed the saturation on the photo and lined up the horizon with the paint on the paper.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Maya de Groot
Poor Vicky!! I know exactly how you felt. It's a sweltering heat in the motorcycle clothes and every stop at a traffic light makes it unbearable. But of course you always see beautiful areas with breathtaking views. We have only had rain in Germany for 4 weeks. What a stupid summer!! Only nature is happy, of course. Hopefully your next excursions will be more bearable in terms of weather.
Well it's still a lovely layout in spite of the story. Love the coral and turquoise. Be careful out there! I can tell you firsthand that you do not want to have a heat stroke. Sounds like you got close.
Well it's still a lovely layout in spite of the story. Love the coral and turquoise. Be careful out there! I can tell you firsthand that you do not want to have a heat stroke. Sounds like you got close.
Yes, I think you are correct!
I am so sorry about the heat! The documentation is beautiful! I love the combination of the cool blues with the orange accents!
Nice work balancing the photo and the elements in opposite corners, and the contrast between the gorgeous photo and the not-so gorgeous experience works too! Congrats on your GSO!
Oh no, what a misarable trip, but you were a trooper! Great documentation!Thanks for playing along with this challenge!

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Challenge 6
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241 KB
600px x 600px

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